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Hi all -
HCL-Notes supports this functionality in a cumbersome way.
The goal must be that every Verse Mail client (browser, iOS and Android) supports this functionality without the user having to do anything special.
This way the administrator can easily manage the S/MIME certificates. (e.g. in the ID Vault).
Otherwise, it is utopia that anyone uses encrypted e-mails!
S/MIME support is available in Verse iOS : https://help.hcltechsw.com/traveler/12.0.2/smime_messages_iOS.html
Hello Team,
We need quick solution from the HCL support team to address S/MIME encryption issue for HCL Verse. This is a very critical matter and many top management users using Android device are facing issue.
Hope to see this issue getting addressed from the HCL support team.
S/MIME encryption is state of the art and should be available in all clients as soon as possible.
many greetings from Germany
It is very important
This is still high on our list
As far as I know S/MIME is possible in iNotes. For sure Traveler should support S/MIME e-mails.
We know this one is an important one. So far, we've been rapidly been building up functionality to (hopefully) meet and surpass Outlook. Things like S/MIME, spam reporting, etc are also key. Drew
This is a must have
voted on behalf of German MoD
voted on behalf of German MoD
This is named as feature request by the customer "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" for Verse App for Android.