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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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My ideas: General

Showing 192

Integrated methods to re-write the @DOMAIN part

We have merged two Domino domains from DomainB to DomainA. We have also setup Directory Assistance and added an "Internet-Addresses" from DomainB to DomainA - to make sure e-mails are received within DomainA. Person Document in the secondary ad...
about 1 year ago in Domino / General 0 Needs Review

DAOS NLO repair on non-clusters

It would be perfect if there was a way to repair DAOS NLO's on ALL servers and not only on DominoClusters. We have multiple Archive- and BackupServers which are NOT clustered. Create a DAOS trust which includes all DAOS enabled servers where Domin...
about 1 year ago in Domino / General 1 Needs Review

Autoupdate must include deployment of customized templates

Autoupdate works fine if you don't have updates on the default ntf's. But we did that on forms9.nsf and mailxx.ntf for adding anonimize features. We would like to have an option for deployment of those templates after a succesfull update.
about 1 year ago in Domino / General 0 Needs Review

"By Recipient" view in Message Journaling database

Customer would like to have a "By Recipient" view in Message Journaling database so that it will be easy to sort the view for one particular user account in journaling file.
about 1 year ago in Domino / General 0 Needs Review

Log retention for console.log instead of overwrite it.

When console.log reaches the default 10MB size, Domino doesn't create a new logfile. Instead it overwrites the current one. Let Domino create a new logfile after reaching the max size and after a server-reboot.
about 1 year ago in Domino / General 0 Needs Review

Let AdminQ initiate rename multiple times a day

By design, AdminQ only initiate the rename at 04:00 AM every day. Because of the amount of renames we sometime create, it's more efficient to let AdminQ run multiple times a day. Interval of 1, 2, 4 hours would be great.
about 1 year ago in Domino / General 4 Assessment

JSON output should show the blank field in Domino when accessed through Rest API

A blank field in Domino does not show in json output when accessed through Rest API. Enable DAS at server, database and view level. Create text Field in a Form Create a document using the above Form and keep the above text field blank. If the fiel...
over 1 year ago in Domino / General 0 Needs Review

offline ODS upgrade after major-release-upgrade

We would like to have the opportunity to let AutoUpdate also upgrade ODS in a offline situation. After a major release upgrade, please run "compact -ODS -* -UPGRADE" when needed. This would help us !! This can be a choice during the setup/upgrade.
over 1 year ago in Domino / General 3 Needs Review

Domino causing SAML login loops

When using SAML SSO, under circumstances where the SSO is successful but there is an issue with the browser cookies used for session management, the domino server re-initiates the SAML transaction as a response. This results in an endless loop whe...
over 1 year ago in Domino / General 0 Needs Review

If a Hyperlink is shared using iNotes accessed via Chrome browser then the link is not active, it is showing as a normal text.

If a Hyperlink is shared using iNotes accessed via Chrome browser then the link is not active, it is showing as a normal text. The issue is web URL entered in Chrome and sent and try to open in any Browser or chrome itself the link is treated as n...
over 1 year ago in Domino / General 1 No Plans to Implement