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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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My ideas

Showing 8473

access to mail-in databases

Right now, mail-in databases cannot easily exposed to users. Currently we are using a web portal that provides authenticated users a list of mail-in databases based on their Membership in appropriate Access Groups. I would like to see a built in f...
over 6 years ago in Traveler 3 Assessment

Ways to validate uploaded files

When Domino is out in the open, many more requirements for handling incoming files in application are required which today we can not met. Checking the extensions or validate the content-type are not sufficient because they can be spoofed. Therefo...
10 months ago in Domino Designer / Java 0 Under Consideration

Need mail router delivery failover function

Currently, mail router failover only occurs during transfer to the user's mail server, but delivery does not failover to other cluster mates. In other words, as a mail message makes its way to the recipient's mail server, the router will attempt t...
10 months ago in Domino / General 1 Needs Clarification

Admin client to show Notes users who have expired password and Notes Users who are locked out.

The admin can easily view users who have an expired Notes Password and Locked-out Notes users.
almost 5 years ago in Admin Client 5 Already Exists

Add a progress bar functionality to volt/leap-applications

Leap apps currently are missing a progress bar item. I do need this in most applications so a default functionality is needed for this. Here is a reference how this could look like
about 1 year ago in Volt 1 Needs Review

Add XPages Open NTF Domino API

Add Open NTF Domino API to the core build. Tired of having to keep adding via OSGI to servers in general and clients who need it for XPiNC. Seems like a quick win to me.
over 2 years ago in Domino Designer / XPages 0 Under Consideration

When user sent meeting invite with MS Team Link external invitee should receive Join Button link.

Customer reported below issue. 1) Customer created a Teams account as a Teams meeting room. 2) Customer using DOMI and MS Team Service is configured. 3) Customer creates an invite and add MS Team online meeting and adds MS Teams account as n...
over 2 years ago in Notes 0 Needs Review

Visual Studio integration

I love the Domino Designer when I develop Notes applications with forms, views, @formulas and LotusScript. But, lets face it: The Designer sucks when it comes to Java development (and XPages) and Web Development (javascript, css, html etc. ) Some...
over 6 years ago in Domino Designer 0 Under Consideration

Toolbar shall keep customized settings even after restarting.

I customized toolbar settings to be one line, however it became two lines after restarting Notes client. This issue is quite stressful. My customization became in vain. This issuen is registered as SPR# RRENB8XFSJ. This should be resloved ASAP.
over 3 years ago in Notes 2 Under Consideration

Easy auto-reply option enabled by users

We need an easy way to set and enable auto-reply on a mail(in) database. Now you need to create an Agent with Easy Actions ( reply to sender ) .... It would be nice to have this in the UI in Notes and Verse.
5 months ago in Notes / Documentation 0 Needs Review