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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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All ideas

Showing 8609 of 8609

Smart Upgrade on MAC OS X Catalina (64 bit) should be supported and be able to work.

Smart upgrade on MAC OSX Catalina (64 Bit) is not working. Would like to request to have it supported and be able to work.
over 4 years ago in Notes 2 Under Consideration

We need more detailed better error reporting when a form/element is opened in a browser and embedded code processes.

Many times a field has an issue with either default or computed field code and we get a Form 500 or some other general error. Just having the error inform as to where the error is in the code such as the field name or the details on what caused th...
over 4 years ago in Domino Designer / Debugger 0 Under Consideration

Inline image and Rich Text Format

Inline image are not rendered when format for incoming mail is set to Rich Text Format Request for an evolution of the product so that the functionality to convert a MIME field to Rich Text keeps a faithful rendering between the 2 modes, including...
over 4 years ago in Notes 0 Under Consideration

Option to recreate at the time when Domino restarts

Want to an option to recreate at the time when Domino restarts. In order to reduce problems caused by breakage or troble of, is recreated each time Domino is restarted. Currently, we have created a batch program to acco...
about 6 years ago in Domino / Administration 2 Under Consideration

Display 'Recent Contacts' view on Notes Basic Client

'Recent Contacts' view is not displayed by default on Notes Basic Client. (We need to press Shift + Ctrl at the same time to display 'Recent Contacts' view.) My Customer wish to display 'Recent Contacts' view by default on Notes Basic Client.
about 6 years ago in Notes 0 Under Consideration

Add a Powershell interface (module)

It's just an idea, I'm not sure if we need it. What if administrators have an interface for Powershell scripts (windows, macOS, Linux compatible) ? It would ease the automation of certain tasks : create users, create mailboxes, update group member...
about 6 years ago in Domino / Administration 1 Under Consideration

Please add description of [Recover no activation] field in Domino 12.0.x document

In the following document, the description for [Recover no activation] field is blank. Please add description for [Recover no activation] field inn the above document ...
almost 2 years ago in Domino / Documentation 0 Under Consideration

Delete databases in the cluster

I wanted to delete some redundant databases on a server where cluster symmetry is active. By the time I am through with my list, the symmetry function has already recreated some databases. Unfortunately, I can only delete one database on a server ...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Client 0 Under Consideration

Lite Notes client with limited mail-only features

Most complains we all have is regarding the Notes Client. Is heavy, and not intuitive, complex , and features (like choosing a text language) are hard to find for a "regular" user.Many of our customers that use Domino do not need a full Notes Clie...
about 6 years ago in Notes 1 Under Consideration

Lotus Protector for Mail Security - LDAP TLS 1.2 support

LPMS using ldap sync with domino server using ldap protocol. Unfortunately LPMS do not supports LDAP on TLS 1.2
over 5 years ago in Domino / General 0 No Plans to Implement