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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 519

Notes Traveler and Verse open mail with doclink single sign on with notes and web application

Many customer do not want to open mail with doclink to login again in the application. They want to use only one time login or single login one time in mail and apps. This is a problem for a long time that not fix in any new release or new version.
over 5 years ago in Domino Designer 1 Needs Clarification

Restrict user from attaching a file to an email while composing.

Restrict user from attaching a file to an email while composing.
over 5 years ago in Notes 1 Needs Clarification

Email rule issues are hectic in Notes client, please solve them

We faced lots of issues regarding mail rule.
over 5 years ago in Notes 2 Needs Clarification

Allow Notes client setup to complete even if the home server is BUSY

In case all the Domino Servers in a cluster are BUSY, the Notes client setup does not complete and throws an error. There is no scope of setting up the Notes client with another server as the clustermate is also not available.
almost 3 years ago in Domino / Administration 1 Needs Clarification

Notes Client setting/notes.ini parameter to use Windows Print as default Print

Setting/notes.ini parameter to use Windows Print as default Print regardless if the email is NRPC or MIME.
almost 3 years ago in Notes 1 Needs Clarification

Limit anyone received the message when the receipient list contain other internet domain addresses.

For Example, our domain is "" 1. A message is sent from other internet domain, the recipient list has,, 2. We expect the message is blocked, not deliver to anyone in our domain. But in fact, wh...
over 5 years ago in Domino / Integration 1 Needs Clarification

Allow replicas of databases to be created in a different folder on a remote server without manually having to change the path

When a server has databases in sub folders of the Domino Data directory, and you want to use the administration client to create a new replica of the database in a different sub folder on another server, you must manually change the path for each ...
over 5 years ago in Domino / Administration 1 Needs Clarification

Agent event trigger "Before new mail arrives" cause "Maximum number of concurrently open objects has been exceeded"

Problem:Agent event trigger has "Before new mail arrives" and "After new mail arrives", if end user's mail agent using "Before new mail arrives", it can caused "Maximum number of concurrently open objects has been exceeded...
over 5 years ago in Domino Designer / LotusScript 1 Needs Clarification

Bug: dragging a document from a view to a windows folder results in a link to the wrong document

If you drag an open document this works fine. If you drag a document from a view your link could point to the wrong document.
over 5 years ago in Notes 1 Needs Clarification

Decrypt emails from phone using USB token

When opening encrypted mails using Notes, users are prompted for USB token password in order to read the email. Customer is looking for this functionality on mobile clients.
almost 3 years ago in Traveler 1 Needs Clarification