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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Domino Designer

Showing 1306

Move focus AND VIEWPOINT in design pane to element selected in sidebar

And make sure the design elements in the sidebar are correctly alphamerically sorted So we can click on a field on the left and the main pane moves to show that element
over 6 years ago in Domino Designer 0 Under Consideration

Drop (or at least Fix) the frickin' 'Prohibit design refresh or replace to modify'

We've all done it, copied a design element from a db with a template and said 'No' to the 'Would you like these <elements> to be automatically updated...', sometimes to a new db, sometimes to the same db And sometimes it sets the 'Prohibit...
over 6 years ago in Domino Designer 1 Under Consideration

Improve Notes limitation for LotusScript Iterative statements looping assignment variables

Using @Formula laguage for Iterative Statements such as @For, @DoWhile, and @While will give an Error in Notes 64-bit client when an existing variable inside the loop gets updated multiple times. "The formula has exceeded the maximum allowabl...
1 day ago in Domino Designer / LotusScript 0 Needs Review

Ability to programmatically configure a layer's position

Currently the position of a layer is defined statically. This works fine in most cases, but if the interface is different on another workspace due to screen resolution or a feature like large/extra large fonts, then we need to add duplicate layers...
13 days ago in Domino Designer / @Formulas 0 Needs Review

Summary report with manual refresh design

When you do a manual refresh design on an application there are print statements. the number of available statements in the print bar or limited. a design refresh would be much more convenient to check with some kind of summary report. perhaps by ...
19 days ago in Domino Designer 0 Needs Review

Import design elements

If I have to restore a single design element from a Git repository it takes me quiet some operations: download the specific build, import it as a project into DDE, associate it via Team Development to a new NSF, open that NSF, copy the design elem...
about 1 month ago in Domino Designer / Views 1 Needs Review

Ability for LotusScript to set the color and width of table borders

The SetColor and SetAlternateColor methods of the NotesRichTextTable class can set Table color. However, there is no function to set the color and width of table borders.
about 2 months ago in Domino Designer / LotusScript 1 Needs Review

Fulltext search string sanitizer

We need a sanitize function that will cleanup and FT search string like there is in other environments for SQL before using it in an FT search. And to have different levels of sanitation. I think there is lot's of Domino applications where you pot...
4 months ago in Domino Designer / LotusScript 0 Needs Review

NewInstance parameter needs to recognized in notesUIWorkspace.EditDocument method

>>>>>>>Observation Scenario for Target and Pointer database setup: 1. Target database - It contains user records with some basic user information. 2. Pointer database - It contains pointer documents. After creating some user r...
5 months ago in Domino Designer / LotusScript 0 Needs Review

Make it possible to pull a restyle from an existing element like one form and push to a selectable list of forms in the same database. (or view, page, etc)

So you restyle your template and push that look and feel to all the child databases, but everyone knows that something in the child database will be unique to that child database (special form, unique view, etc). So those design elements are exclu...
6 months ago in Domino Designer / ReStyle 0 Needs Review