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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 232

Enhance items - Date

Please add additional properties to Date item to allow select date only in the future only in past only current date (in combination with the above) start of months only end of month only selected weekdays Such constrains are quite often in forms ...
about 2 years ago in Volt 1 Needs Review

Make it possible for Volt to call web services from Volt apps via a proxy server that requires authentication

When calling external web services from a Volt app in an environment that uses a proxy server to access external web sites, it is possible to call external web services via the proxy server by setting the proxy host and port in jvm/lib/net.propert...
over 3 years ago in Volt 1 Needs Review

Summary charts to behave as the form does

Having issues on the data displayed via summary charts. Instead of the actual value (generated from a service dropdown), it is displaying it as random letters and numbers, somehow looked like a unique identifier (example it displays "479ee75b-c62f...
over 3 years ago in Volt 0 Needs Review

Call a service: Cannot access domino database on another server from the same domain

Purpose: Call a service: Cannot access domino database on another server from the same domain. 1. The organization have below two servers which are in the same domainLeap Server - XYZ.*.*.20Application server - XYZ.*.*.21 2. The organization have ...
7 months ago in Volt 0 Needs Review

Stages not displayed in alphabetical sort order

When you have apps with a lot of stages the management of user access and workflow visibility is tedious because the stages are not displayed in a alphabetical sorting order but in order of stage creation. Please fix this and always list stages in...
over 1 year ago in Volt 0 Needs Review

Ability to bind service input or output to a global javascript variable

As a Domino Volt developer, I would like to have the possibility to bind service outputs and service inputs to a global javascript variable stored in app.getSharedData and stop using hidden field for storing temporary values.
over 2 years ago in Volt 1 Under Consideration

Additional form setting "Only one submission at all"

For each form we can activate the setting "Single submission per authenticated user". There is also a need to have "Only one submission at all" for some special cases. The goal is to limit the number of document created by this form to one documen...
over 1 year ago in Volt 0 Needs Review

Ability to upload attached files from Domino Volt to an external source.

My understanding is Domino Volt does not have a mechanism for uploading attached files from Domino Volt to an external source.That mechaneism is needed on Domino volt service and/or JavaScript using XMLHttpRequest or so. Use case:Domino volt provi...
over 3 years ago in Volt 0 Future Consideration

Enhance documentation for authenticating in the service configuration, add validation and helpful messages

There is a huge gap in the documentation on how to authenticate when calling an external service. In it's only: "Specify authentication options in the Authentication section." And w...
over 4 years ago in Volt 0 Future Consideration

Make the order of the columns in data view changable

Let the developer of an app not only hide columns in data view, but change their order. The sequence of the fields in the form are not necessarily the best order of the columns to find or read the data. And this should be an easy task to do, too.
over 4 years ago in Volt 1 Future Consideration