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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Domino Intelligence / Domino IQ
Adding AI to a Domino server Please add comments that tell us what use cases you would have for AI available from Domino. Here are some examples to get you started: Summarise long email threads Reply to email with AI Translate the email thread Hig...

All ideas

Showing 8512

Cluster auto-repair activity should be written to log.nsf

When the cluster auto-repair and symmetry task does something, it's only written to console.log, not log.nsf. For the administrator, the activity should be easily accessible via log.nsf. [010356:000002-00007FBE2E6F4740] Queued repair request for...
over 5 years ago in Domino / Reporting & Analytics 0 Under Consideration

ability to apply policy, defined by mailFilterDays parameter, without reinstalling IBM Verse

Now, when admin change parameter mailFilterDays on Enterprise Mobility Manager server (MobileIron, MaaS360 etc), IBM Verse isn't apply it automatically, and user need to uninstall IBM Verse application for apply policy changes. This action require...
over 5 years ago in Verse / Mobile (iOS) 0 Needs Review

Need lotusscript or domino command for execute "Full Access Administration"

Domino administrator can click Manage->Full Access Administration button from HCL Domino Administrator client by manually. Now customer need to execute the "Full Access Administration" using lotuscript or domino command, pls consider to provide...
about 2 years ago in Admin Client 3 No Plans to Implement

Request Notes to have an ability to back up Workspace icon data locally.

I request Notes to have an ability to back up Workspace icon data locally. The workspace data can be lost when you face an issue whose solution is only recreating desktop8.ndk and if the original desktop8.ndk file is not backed up . This is very t...
about 4 years ago in Notes 2 Under Consideration

HTTP content image was not getting loaded in MAC Bigsur OS in HCL

When open an email with HTML content on "href" images from http content (for example newsletters ) my client browser shows me an alert on the certificate and in some cases it blocks showing the images. Same email forwarded in another mail system (...
about 4 years ago in Domino 2 Needs Clarification

Monitor full text index size of Database

Kindly add some feature to monitor the size of full text index.
over 2 years ago in Domino / Administration 3 Needs Clarification

Password policy for expiry with notification and option to change password

When using Domino LDAP, Password policy for expiry with notification and option to change password should be provided within IBM Sametime Clients
about 6 years ago in Sametime / Chat 1 Under Consideration

MDM enterprise enrollment

The verse App should offer the possibility to be configured during deployment by an MDM. The MDM would supply certain parameters for the app, e.g. server-path. This is a feature request of the customer "German Army Forces" with a six-figure sum of...
about 6 years ago in Verse / Mobile (Android) 5 Already Exists

Allow Server to have a email address and a mail file

We know the process to set an agent to Run as User, so a scheduled agent can come from a no-reply address, but I vote this is really an unnecessary overhead. Why can't a server also have an InternetAddress field, and possibly a mail server and mai...
about 2 years ago in Domino / Administration 9 Under Consideration

Display Internet address for local recipients in place of Notes address at iNotes and Verse

Customer would like to enable internet addresses rather than Notes addresses to display in the iNotes and Verse client. For Notes client it is possible as per below article.
about 4 years ago in Verse / Verse on Premises 1 Needs Review