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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Domino Intelligence / Domino IQ
Adding AI to a Domino server Please add comments that tell us what use cases you would have for AI available from Domino. Here are some examples to get you started: Summarise long email threads Reply to email with AI Translate the email thread Hig...


Showing 280

Show Last compact date in catalog.nsf

Database Last compact date can be seen only in Domino Administrator. for monitoring purposes and script use, please: Add new DB property of db.LastCompact plz add this attribute to Catalog.nsf
about 1 year ago in Domino / Administration 1 Needs Clarification

Extra Adminp action for renaming or deleting users in directories connected by your Directory Assistance

We have many extra directories connected by da.nsf. One of them is dedicated for groups with members from our names.nsf ( registered Users ). When we rename or delete users, ADMINP will rename or delete the users from names.nsf very fast in the fl...
about 1 year ago in Domino / Administration 1 Needs Clarification

Option with which the policy will assigned to user automatically as soon as their Notes client Upgrades.

Requirement of mechanism / option with which the policy will assigned to user automatically as soon as their Notes client Upgradation. For example If User is upgraded from Notes client version 9 to Notes client Version 12. The respective policy sh...
about 1 year ago in Domino / Administration 2 Needs Clarification

Auto update of CA root certificates

Customer want to update CA root certificates in Domino/certstore.nsf automatically, when they are updated. Currently, they are updated by upgrading Domino. (major upgrade or fix packs)
about 1 year ago in Domino 1 Needs Clarification

Support SNMP for Domino on docker

Support Domino SNMP on docker based Domino deployments.
over 1 year ago in Domino / Administration 4 Needs Clarification

"Delay delivery until" option in Mail-in Database

Email delivery can be delayed when creating an email via the Notes client. Create the email and go to "Delivery Options" and select the "Delay Delivery Until" option.Enable the delay option for Mail-In Databases
over 1 year ago in Domino / General 4 Needs Clarification

Compact -a changes the advanced ACL settings of the archive mail file

For security reasons, customers want to keep separate advanced ACL settings(for example: In the mail file -> Do not modify Names fields and in the archive, Modify all Names fields) for mail files and respective archive mail files. Compact -a co...
over 1 year ago in Domino / Administration 1 Needs Clarification

Scheduled Recreation of Metadata for Message tracking

This feature will enable server to automatically create metadata to a specific schedule automatically depending to the time range set by the administrator. Every 7 days - 15 days - 30 days This will eliminate the manual process of removing the met...
over 1 year ago in Domino / Administration 1 Needs Clarification

Change an error message with more meaningful statement. "No unambiguous match for user"

Change an error message with more meaningful statement. When searching a user using WebAuth is not found in any directory, the error messages popup "No unambiguous match for user" that it seems like this error searched more that 1 (one) entry. It ...
over 1 year ago in Domino / Templates 2 Needs Clarification

Increase quota automatically when it reaches assigned limit

There is a feature request of increasing quota autoamtically when the database reaches its assigned quota limit. e.g.- When the database reaches its assigned quota limit of 500 MB, then it should be increased specified value (e.g. 100 MB). This wi...
over 1 year ago in Domino / Administration 1 Needs Clarification