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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Admin Client

Showing 152 of 8477

Insert users and groups in several access lists at the same time

It would be great to add/copy single users or groups into the Access lists of more than one database at once. Now, if you want to edit a Access lists you can just overwrite the whole list with another or have to open every single list to add new u...
about 5 years ago in Admin Client 2 Assessment

Allow DAOS enabled NSFs to be opened locally as an Admin option

At the moment DAOS enabled NSFS must be recovered to a server. It would make it easier if they could be recovered to a local client and opened. The use case is where we want to restore a document ( or even just examine it ) and the DOAS files are ...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Client 5 Needs Clarification

Domain icons in the admin client should be distinguishable without having to mouse over them.

There is no way to identify the different domains in the left margin of the admin client until you mouse over it or click on it. There should be some way to distinguish which domain each one represents without mousing over them all. As you can see...
over 5 years ago in Admin Client 0 Under Consideration

A specific tool to compare NAB and its server configuration in all servers with the domain.

As of now, we need to have a specific tool for us to compare each settings and configurations inside all documents in the names.nsf. This is much needed to an environment with multiple servers.
over 3 years ago in Admin Client 1 Needs Clarification

Allow text Insert to work when pasting from the paste buffer into the server console command field

If you go to the server tab, then select 'Server Console'. If you enter text in the 'Domino Command' field then try to insert text into the exiting text that's there from the paste buffer, it clears the text that is in the field and pastes what yo...
about 4 years ago in Admin Client 1 Under Consideration

Tools for analytic and solve mail delivery problem

Today has a lot of messaging security that will be implement eg. spf, dkim, dmarc, dns blacklist, dnssec. Domino should have feature that can report and problem suggestion to domino admin to increase mail security.
over 2 years ago in Admin Client 2 Needs Clarification

Update documentation to create client certificate

Wonderful certstore.nsf tool. Now that Domino is able to easily create certificates, it is necessary to create clear documentation to be able to create self-generated client certificates and easily distribute them on devices, especially web browse...
11 months ago in Admin Client / Documentation 0 Needs Review

Copy text from the server console

Often when I'm using the server console in the admin client I see something interesting and would like to copy that information. So the option to mark and copy text would be very good to have also the option to copy row or marked text
11 months ago in Admin Client 3 Already Exists

Paste HTTP Password

Please let us paste a password into the HTTP password field. It's a PITA to have to input generated passwords manually. ICAA-I-9 is similar but for the Notes client.
over 2 years ago in Admin Client 2 No Plans to Implement

Option for export server config fo one-touch setup json-file

Hi. Please, add a server settings export agent for the one touch setup json-file. I would like to be able to export full configuration: basic, security, DAOS, config documents, connections, web sites, assist directories, and etc. This is a lot lik...
about 3 years ago in Admin Client 0 Assessment