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Conflict handling - add an option to merge a field (especially document history fields)

Many developers add a "history" field in their applications to document when/who updated a document and what happened.

This prevents the "Conflict Handling" form property "Merge Conflicts" option from working as there could always be a difference in this field even if otherwise the document could be merged.

To improve merging and reduce conflicts add a field option for merging

options should be:

1)  "ignore differences" in this field when merging documents. The winning document's field is used.

2) "merge field contents" - The contents of the field are merged. An entry is added to show the merge happened. Field contents would have to be in a specified format e.g. dd-mmm-yyy hh:mm:ss username - history text

3) a default option to work as it does now

Maybe a new "document history" field type would help resolve this situation. When entries are appended via LotusScript or @Formula the date and time and username are automatically prepended.

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    • Guest
      Mar 14, 2023

      We need merge that works the use case is that I would like to update backend fields during daytime but that is almost impossible because I can't know if a document is opened thru a webbrowser and later saved that will then bringing back old values.

    • Guest
      Jan 25, 2019

      I currently have a PMR ticket open with IBM.  "Merge Conflicts" is broken and I'm not sure where it broke.  But, this feature needs to be put back and make it work.  If IBM/HCL can't make this feature work properly again, I don't have much hope for this product further as replication is key to this technology. Without "Merge Conflicts", I don't have much choice to recommend a different platform for my clients...

    • Guest
      Jan 22, 2019

      Document locking doesn't resolve the issue if you have remote users who aren't connected, or able to connect, to your server. 

    • Guest
      Jan 21, 2019

      Best way to avoid conflicts is to "allow document locking" and apply an admin server to the Notes application.  Sure, you might get someone who doesn't close a document properly and leaves it "locked" but that is easy enough to deal with.