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Status Under Consideration
Workspace Domino Designer
Categories XPages
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 9, 2019

Make the xpage minimum supported release also honor java version

in the XSP properties there is an option of minimum supported release that isn't honored when compiling xpages.

So In Designer 9.01 FP10 or Designer 10 code compiled doesn't work on older servers than 9.01 FP8 and if you have several servers that is replicating you need to upgrade all at once otherwise the databases is broken.

Or if you are supporting several companies

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    • Guest
      Aug 20, 2019

      I mean 1 and 2. Thanks Paul for the clairification. 

      Ofcouse servers should be upgraded but when you have customers with everything from 9.01 blank to 10.01 it is a challenge not to break the customers environment. 

    • Guest
      Jul 9, 2019

      Please clarify your issue and requirement.

      1) That there is a bug whereby an app compiled in DDE 9.0.1 FP10 / DDE 10 never works on older than FP8 regardless of the XSP Properties settings, which needs fixing. (I don't have any servers older to check with, so don't know)

      2) That there is a bug whereby XSP Properties can be set to less than FP8 but the application can be set to be compiled with Java 8, which needs fixing.

      3) That you're not setting the XSP Properties, but deploying to a server or environment with a server less than FP8. So you want it to always compile so it can run on less than FP8.

      I can support 1 and 2, though as low priority (see comment about Java 6 below). I'm totally against 3.

      If you want it to support nothing later than FP8, you should select that version. It's like the Execution Environment in an OSGi plugin (an XPages app is basically that, in Package Explorer you'll see the plugin.xml corresponding to an OSGi plugin's plugin.xml.)

      Java 6 is out of (extended) support from Oracle and security fixes are no longer available. Servers less than FP8 should be upgraded as a priority.

      Paul Withers