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Remove 32k limit for text-fields

Alternatively, implement a feature to dynamlically "extend" these fields (e.g. create an 2nd, 3rd etc. internal field which keeps values exceeding 32k)

Please ;-)

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    • Guest
      Jul 29, 2022

      We are delivering this piecemeal - 12.0.2 will see backend classes support large lists and long fields. After that, the rest of the product will follow suit. Please keep the focus on. Thanks, John Curtis

    • Guest
      Dec 19, 2019

      With the large summary support introduced in 9.0.1 FP8, the total size limit of the $field field was increased from 32k to 64k. Maybe whatever was done for that field could be applied to all other text fields without a complete platform overhaul.  It’s still just 64k but as they say... only 2 beers is still better than just 1 beer.

    • Guest
      Jun 4, 2019

      There are 32KB limit and prompt info when the To/CC/Bcc field contain one server group with the whole company users, So customer failed to sent mail to the group and got the prompt info as "Field is too large (32K) or View's column & selection formulas are too large"

    • Guest
      Apr 22, 2019


    • Guest
      Apr 22, 2019

      Not a big fan of the alternate solution, as that might impact lotusscript operations on fields

    • Guest
      Apr 8, 2019

      You can go over 32k on a Text Field. You need to flag it as not "is summary"

      But then, you can't display it in a view.

    • Guest
      Feb 20, 2019

      Add the

      Maximum size of a single paragraph in a rich text field


      Maximum amount of text (Summary) data per document


    • Guest
      Feb 7, 2019

      I suppose that the difficulties are related to the dimension of the Array and the data type Integer. To increase, you need a new data type...

      Least -
      Please, make an overflow error occur already when adding (NotesDocument.ReplaceItemValue, NotesItem.AppendToTextList), and not when saving. Saving sometimes happens without errors, but the document cannot be opened because it is damaged.

    • Guest
      Jan 29, 2019

      this is very important. rich text is not useful. but 32k is very small. if indexing or other things not feasible maybe you can create new data type.

    • Guest
      Oct 3, 2018

      My guess is that removing this limit would break other parts of the system which is why it has remained.  I have requested a new field type of JSON, or even better, a new doc/form type that supports JSON.

    • Guest
      Sep 26, 2018

      To the last poster suggesting RT - this can work for a lot of TEXT, but when you have a large TEXT LIST or DATETIME LIST or NUMBER LIST etc. you have to jump through all sorts of hoops to store/retrieve that data from an RT item.

    • Guest
      Sep 2, 2018

      If you have a lot of data, you should store it in a RichText item. You can access the data a plain text with RichTextItem.getUnformattedText. Old limit on summary data on the document has been removed ->

    • Guest
      Aug 8, 2018

      If it would be easy to remove the 32KB limit it probably would have been done many years ago. Maybe a better idea would be a new field type like

    • Guest
      Jul 17, 2018

      I agree with the given suggestion to add the field name in the error message.

    • Guest
      Jul 16, 2018

      Suggest to add the field name in the error message. Helps if more number of txt fields with more data

    • Guest
      Jul 16, 2018

      Yeah, you're propably right - I just wanted to place this issue. But any improvement will be appreciated :-)

    • Guest
      Jul 16, 2018

      Not a big fan of the alternate solution, as that might impact lotusscript operations on fields