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Status Needs Review
Workspace Domino Designer
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2021

Extend the limit and include the database file name in the "Use view dialog for choices" option

The test results shows that the Dialog List Field option "Use view dialog for choices" displays a maximum of roughly 250 database names. Notably, it also doesn't specify the database file name and only includes the database titles which causes confusion as to what specific database be included.

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  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2021

    The "Use view dialog for choices" option for dialog list fields is excellent because it displays all the columns in the view to provide a context for the returned value. It makes it much clearer for end users to select the correct value for the field.

    However, the implementation of this feature makes it mostly worthless. Problems:

    1. The list of databases containing the lookup view is limited to only the first 250 databases bookmarked in desktop8.ndk. We need to access ALL available databases, and without any reliance on desktop8.ndk.

    2. If the designer selects a view in their desktop8.ndk but the end user doesn't also have that database bookmarked in their desktop8.ndk, the field chooser just blinks.

    3. Additionally, since only the database title is displayed to the designer, we cannot tell which database we are actually selecting for the lookup.

    These shortcomings would be overcome if the field properties would include a database chooser that permit browsing servers and NSFs. It then could perhaps store the replica ID of the chosen database. The Notes client would then display the view from any replica of the specified database - even if the end user does not already have that database bookmarked.