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Using instructions like these IBM Notes development : To use or not use Expeditor toolkit I built a Notes plugin and it worked on previous versions of Notes until v12.01 (32bit).
Now, on Notes 12.02 64 bit version the plugin is not working anymore and I cannot set up Eclipse IDE to modify the plugin.
Where could I get istructions on how to set up Eclipse to work with Notes 12.02 64 bit ?
Example of a link that needs work:
In an article in the wiki discussing tutorial, there is a link to IBM Developerworks that describes how to secure it.
That article has to be avaiable, complete with updated versions of such articles.
Also, the wiki available at https://ds_infolib.hcltechsw.com/ldd/lewiki.nsf/ would need to be reworked. Like rebranding, making sure resources and links are current and available etc. I know it is a big effort, but it is part of the package HCL acquired from IBM...
Well, that is hard to do. Since the Expeditor download is no longer available, due to it having been declared out of support. So I can't look at the old version. Other that I know it was based on the version of Eclipse that was under Notes 8.0 - 9.0.1FP9. So a new version should be based on the version of Eclipse underpinning the currently supported versions of the Notes and Sametime clients that arte based on Eclipse.
Or even better: The old version is locked to a specific version of Eclipse, which also had problems like you cannot update the Eclipse client to a newer version for bug fixes, it becoming out of date for tools you'd like to use etc.
So even better would be a development toolkit you can install on a current version of Eclipse, but allowing you to target development for the Sametime and Notes client you want to use. Extensible, so if a new version of the Eclipse underpinning is needed, a new config will enable you to continue working.
See https://lotusbay.wordpress.com/2014/11/08/ibm-notes-development-to-use-or-not-use-expeditor-toolkit/
But just a bare plug-in would not be enough! I suppose (cannot check, because the toolkit is unavailable) theat the toolkit had examples and develeopment guides. We need those too!
To further underline your idea, can you add more details on what should be done as part of this update?