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Mobile app.apk application and upload in google playstore

Can be create mobile app.apk application and upload in google playstore  without connecting to domino server

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    • Guest
      Nov 17, 2023 will be a reasonable choice for everyone

    • Admin
      Thomas Hampel
      Jan 6, 2020

      HCL Nomad for Android has been released :

      However, redistributing your own Domino app in the Google Playstore will most likely be rejected because this would be a redistribution of HCL licensed code.

    • Guest
      Aug 5, 2019

      Ah ... so you wanted to package a local NSF as an apk so that Android users can run it using Domino Mobile Apps ? If that is the case, then for enterprise application your choice would be to use some sort of MDM solution. There is an unconfirmed news about Panagenda building something for DMA on iPad.

      If you are business partner, trying to deploy your solution to customer then you will need to use some sort of app store and I don't think google play store is the right one for this scenario. There has been some ideas here about app store for domino applications.

      Tinus Riyanto - Prisma Global Solusi

    • Guest
      Aug 5, 2019

      I was thinking, yes, the app will run a Domino app.  They have already done this work with Nomad (Domino Mobile Apps) on iPad, and releasing a Notes client on Android 2019.  It will be nice if a developer can build a great offline app and can hide it is Domino/Notes by being able to stand alone and replicate with a Domino server on the Internet.

    • Guest
      Aug 5, 2019

      This sounded like something you can do right now as long as you have a google developer license (and thus able to upload to playstore). Since you mention without connecting to domino server, then said application is offline only and is not dependent on any part of Notes/Domino. Essentially you wanted to build a local web application and bundle it as an apk right ?

      Why do you need HCL to help in this scenario ? You won't be using Designer to code it nor package it, you don't need Domino to run it and you don't use NSF to store the data / design.

      Tinus Riyanto - Prisma Global Solusi

    • Guest
      Aug 4, 2019

      I really like this idea, this is how I am reading into it.  I create a application, generate the .apk file and upload it to the Google Playstore.  Someone may need my solution so they download it and run it.