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Status Assessment
Workspace Nomad
Categories Nomad (Web)
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 2, 2019

Support for Notes URL parameters

Today Notes URLs can be used to open forms and compose new documents.

For example, this URL composes a new person document in the local address book:


It would be great to get support for URL arguments (on all Notes Client platforms and via the address bar), so that fields in the new document can get populated (text fields would be enough):


This would be a great enhancement for the Nomad mobile clients.

We could add code in the form's QueryOpen/PostOpen methods to read these parameters and run application code, e.g. to do further data lookups, close the form, open a frameset to display the lookup result etc.

Another use case would a an integration with the, e.g. to select text in a mail and pass it to a CRM Notes application via the iOS share sheet. The CRM application looks up contact data and uses @UrlOpen with a tel: URL to start a phone call.

Karsten Lehmann, Mindoo GmbH

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jul 18, 2023

    Make it work with XPiNC as well.

  • Guest
    Jan 6, 2020

    It should be possible to use non Domino URL commands without getting the error message "Unknown URL Exception"

  • Guest
    Oct 10, 2019

    This would allow many many new things !

  • Guest
    Sep 3, 2019

    I misinterpreted. You want the CGI variables and @URLQueryString to work in the Notes Client as well as on the web.

    Fair question. I’ll promote it.

  • Guest
    Sep 3, 2019

    I don't think that you can do this today with a Notes URL in the Notes Client, but maybe I am missing something.

    I just created a new form with computed text.

    Tried the following as formula:

    All returned no result when I opened the form with this URL in the Notes Client's address bar:



  • Guest
    Sep 3, 2019

    Dear guest: yes you miss something. The use case Karsten has in mind covers situations where you don’t own the form or can’t touch it. In these situations you can’t alter your @Formula. Also it makes things simpler since you don’t need to add @if conditions to check if there is a parameter and otherwise use a default. Makes sense in integration scenarios

  • Guest
    Sep 2, 2019

    Not sure I understand. Using and @ function, you can read those parameters now, and use them as defaults for your fields. I must be missing something here.