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The S3 integration has been published:
This integration provides a flexible solution, where you are in full control.
There will be a S3 command line based integration soon published here https://github.com/HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE/domino-backup
I am currently testing it and the performance is not great.
In addition you will net a lot of storage for full backups every night.
This would only help if you are using your own S3 storage where compression and de-duplication is enabled.
The S3 integration configuration use the AWS CLI S3 command-line and the Minio client. From the use cases it does not make sense to have the same tighter integration into backup/restore like DAOS T2, because it would add complexity to the backup/restore application.
S3 integration might be useful for backup delta files and also transaction logs which are written only once.
It might be even a good candidate for DAOS backup (which is not part of Domino backup -- which takes care about databases and templates + translog like any other application backup agents).
But S3 is not the ideal storage for Domino backup data.
I have looked into it and did a lot of tests. And there are much more efficient solutions. Still Domino backup will support S3 as a back-end using the command-line integration also described in the GitHub repository.
I first also thought S3 would be a good candidate for backup, but looking into the details showed it is not a very efficient approach.
[ Daniel Nashed / HCL Lifetime Ambassador)