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Update the Java API

Current API is very dated and a chore to work with. OpenNTF Domino API addresses many issues but would be nice if this was part of Domino out of the box.

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    • Guest
      Apr 17, 2019

      There needs to be a Domino Java SDK downloadable from Maven.


      Collections are using the Interator interface instead of supporting Java 8 when you need to traverse a Notes collection.

    • Guest
      Feb 28, 2019

      The problem with recycling has been solved for years:

      But the API in my opinion is unfixable broken:

      • Thread A opens database X
        Thread B accesses database X
        Thread A terminates
        Thread B accesses db X again
        -->> Object has been removed or recycled
      • Access API from uninitialised thread -->> server panic
        Terminate initialised thread -->> server panic
        This makes it dangerous to use the API in various contexts where thread creation is not within control of the developer, i.e. swing
      • Recycling a DBDirectory kills other DBDirectories that are still in use
      • If you recycle the AgentContext it is gone. Another call to Session.getAgentContext won't bring it back (example, there are more Objects with this behavior)
      • and many more bugs, glitches and shortcomings. Often we need to decompile API code to hunt down these issues

      We've developed an application that mainly consists of about 50,000 lines of Java code (not counting libraries). Dealing with the Domino Java API is a nightmare. My favourite would be a brand new API. Written in 100% pure Java, sitting directly on top of C API and being open source.

    • Guest
      Feb 7, 2019

      1. NotesDocument.getSecNumber().
      2. Optional parameter boolean newInstance (take document from disk, not from cache) to getDocumentByUNID, getDocumentByID methods.
      It's very necessary!

    • Guest
      Oct 29, 2018

      First and foremost the need to recycle.

    • Admin
      Thomas Hampel
      Oct 27, 2018

      Moving idea to product : Domino Designer

    • Guest
      Jul 19, 2018

      the problem with recycle() is being solved with v10:

    • Guest
      Jul 15, 2018

      The new API should be available for both XPAGES as Java Agents.

    • Guest
      Jul 15, 2018

      The way you do iterations in the current API is cumbersome, it should be more like standard java iterations work. Also get rid of recycle()... 
      Both things are already solved in ODA.

    • Guest
      Jul 15, 2018

      Number one issue for me is dealing with Vectors. Java developers working with Domino tend to view this as a major lack of commitment/support to the product. Having new methods that return modern collection classes such as ArrayList would be a much needed improvement.


      For other issues please see what OpenNTF Domino API addresses: 

    • Admin
      Thomas Hampel
      Jul 15, 2018

      Can you be more specific on what features you would like to have addressed in the JavaAPI ?