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@Thomas: Thanks for the tip. I'll try if this can be controlled in a batch/cmd file.
Currently no plans to provide this feature, however leaving it in the queue for people to vote on this idea.
if you really want to do this thru the command line (instead of doing it within Domino), why dont you do that just a simple batch/cmd file from outside of Domino?
oops, yes. you're shutting down the router. Still this is strange
@Thomas: You are right. This is an example for a CI/CD way, but in my example the router is only shutdown not the server ;-)
I love the DevOps way and looking forward to realize some processes the same way in Domino,too. BTW: in Ansible I controlled an entire migration of an Domino server with all necessary steps (e.g. shutdown of Domino server, disabled windows service, reboot windows server, db maintenance, start domino installation, ....).
In my opinion this should be the new way to administer an Domino enviornment.
You could be right.
I don't know how the Domino server process handles commands in a text file. all-in? When Domino knows about all started processes, the sequential processing of a text file could work.
I would like to automate recurring admin tasks with text files without sitting in front of a server console. ;-)
Martin Vogel
Those commands are processed sequentially.
The problem is that they just pass to other existing processes running in parallel.
All Domino tasks would have to be rewritten to support synchronous command processing.
You can recognize the few commands that work synchronously by trying to type them on a console that has live turned off.