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Status No Plans to Implement
Workspace Domino
Categories Security
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 10, 2018

Domino has no control on how browsers store username/passwords in the local cache of the broswer, it sending password in plain text to Server


Domino has no control on how browsers store username/passwords in the local cache of the browser.

Using customise login page created in inotes.nsf and this is set in Domcfg.nsf. Both the Username & password fields are set with enable encryption for this field option in field properties. Also have SHA2 certificate for application but are still getting password in plain text at application layer & while sending it to server and with memory reading tool such as Winhex. It is getting in plain text through
browsers developer option too.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Thomas Hampel
    Oct 2, 2021

    You are trying to prevent the user from storing its password?
    Which means the user will have to type the password every time?
    Which causes passwords to be less secure because a user will need to remember it, and cant use password managers?

    Maybe you are trying to say that the browser or the computer that is being used can not be trusted? If so, its a bad idea to rely on a javascript that will be executed by the browser/computer in question.

  • Guest
    Dec 17, 2020

    If we see the banks website, where we provide username and password, then browser can only store dummy password because the field somehow gets encrypted before browser can store it. So on a bank's website, browser cannot store real password. May be it is encrypted at page level and later the server further decrypts it. So browser can't understand what is real password.

  • Admin
    Thomas Hampel
    Dec 16, 2020

    This is not a bug and not a problem.

    Just look at any other website, where the behaviour is exactly the same. The browser will have to send the username and password to the server. Communication is encrypted on transport layer (SSL/TLS) but the content has to be sent in clear.


Re-design iNotes login page in such a way that passwords will not be shown as plaintext

A customer's audit team has reported that when they use any Man-in-the-middle (MIM) tools such as Burp Suite tool, it shows the password entered on the login page as plain text. Note that customer is already using TLS connection on HTTP with POST ...
over 3 years ago in Domino / Templates 1 No Plans to Implement