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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

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Improve Alternate from feature mail-in database lookup

The code in the Entering event of the IsMailInDB item in the CalendarProfile form should be improved.

I have cases where db.Server is not returning CN=ServerName/O=Org but just ServerName/Org, thus this comparison is going to fail:

If (MDBdoc.MailServer(0) = db.Server) And ((MDBdoc.MailFile(0) = db.Filepath) Or ( Lfpth = db.Filepath))Then

Better compare the lowercase abbreviated version of both server names, such as:

(LCase(Join(Evaluate(|@Name([Abbreviate]; MailServer)|, MDBdoc))) = LCase(Join(Evaluate(|@Name([Abbreviate]; "| + db.Server + |")|))))

Furthermore, the file extension can be omitted in File name item in the Mail-in database document, while the comparison in the above code is not taking care of this, but it should do.

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