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Add support for Exchange Web Services (EWS) to enable Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail clients to use a Domino server.

Add support for Exchange Web Services (EWS) to enable Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail clients to use a Domino server.

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    • Guest
      Oct 30, 2020

      My latest info from Microsoft is that they will be retiring Basic IMAP access sometime soon. They seem to have committed to providing IMAP access using EWS or OAuth 2.0 security protocols. I'd really like to be able to access my Exchange mail from my Notes Client. Sooner rather than later would be good! :-)

      Are there any plans to make this happen??

    • Guest
      Dec 9, 2019

      It is THAT important feature for the Traveler and IMSA/IMSMO to get rid of ML Sync and maybe Companion. This is hight demanded by any customer who is forced to move to alternate clients or connectivity profiles that exclusively need EWS. Also, almost any secured, containerised mail clients like BlackBerry Access only work with EWS. 

      I set some feature requests almost 2 years ago to IBM with only promises as response.

      Meanwhile a reasonable number of our customers turned to Exchange.  Maybe not only by this cause, but who knows? That battle was always lost at the clients frontier. 

    • Guest
      May 2, 2019

      This function need to be in the product (V11) for all clients. It is mandatory.

    • Guest
      Apr 8, 2019

      This is one of the most important feature missing right now. One of the biggest reason the customers have now to leave Domino and migrating to Exchange/O365 is the lack of multiple different clients support. Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.

    • Guest
      Mar 11, 2019

      There are always discussions to use Outlook at CxO Level that manage multiple companies and have multiple mail accounts at Domino and Exchange. it is an imortant Feature for us.

    • Guest
      Feb 27, 2019

      In my case we have a customers from exchange to domino in 2018

      in 2019 the customers rollback to exchange for a gap from outlook client.

      the IT team would be return in Domino in 2020 but with caution...

      so now we need a EWS support before and migrate data and the users continue to use outlook and apple mail in first step../

      in second step migrate slow every user to Notes 11


      is important this feature

    • Guest
      Jan 18, 2019

      I don't see any comments on here so I'd like to elaborate.  We are a growing company, and while the light on Notes/Domino may be 'cloudy' for our future, one thing we've always (ALWAYS) run into was the 'change' factor when we'd bring on users from another system to Domino.  This feature will certainly not lure new customers to the Domino fold, but it would likely help justify companies keeping their Domino back end.  The kicker here is that with the current efforts it is getting easier, there is still a long list of 'unsupported features' that come along that as an IT department with limited (support) resources, we do not introduce/offer the mechanism.   

    10 MERGED

    Connector for Apple Mail like Gmail and Exchange.

    Please try to create a connector for Apple Mail like Gmail and Exchange so that the need of Traveler server is not there and we can configure and sync mails easily; thus reducing the administrative overload.
    almost 5 years ago in Domino 0 Assessment
    6 MERGED

    Use any mail client like outlook or apple mail

    Is more important to give the possiblity to the user to use the mail client tehy want. We know that they know, they use (at home ofr example) outlook and they want use it like client. We, IT manager, want a power server like HCL Domino. So we use ...
    about 4 years ago in Domino 1 Assessment