I know iNotes preview can be hided by setting "H|0" in "PreviewPaneOptions" field of iNotesViewProfile.
In order to change this value , we have to develop a tool.
Sample code:
Sub Initialize
Dim ss As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim prof As NotesDocument
Dim prevopt As String
Dim previtem As Variant
Dim useprev As Boolean
Dim ans As Integer
Const srv = "DomSrv9/Lotus"
Const path = "mail\xxxxxx.nsf"
Set db = ss.Getdatabase(srv, path, False)
Set prof = db.Getprofiledocument("inotesviewprofile")
If prof.Hasitem("PreviewPaneOptions") Then
prevopt = prof.PreviewPaneOptions(0)
previtem = Split(prevopt,"|")
If previtem(1) <> "0" Then
useprev = True
useprev = False
End If
prevopt = "None"
useprev = False
End If
MessageBox "Preview Options : " & prevopt & Chr(10) &"Use Preview? : " & useprev
If useprev = True Then
ans = MessageBox("Enforce non-preview?",36,"Change preview options")
If ans = 6 Then
prof.PreviewPaneOptions = "H|0"
Call prof.save(True,False)
End If
End If
End Sub
But even if we set this value in the field we can't hide Prev/Next button in mail document display mode.
Please provide a way in order to hide preview and hide prev/next button in mail settings policy.
And provide a way in order to always cancel loading remote image in mail settings policy.
We would like to keep users safety against fishing virus mails.