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Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Create own @Formula binded to LotusScript, another @Formula (or Java?) function(s).

As you can do in Excel (Formula binded to VBA) and could do in 1-2-3.

Would allow many new functions that are currently not easy/possible to create.
Is also a way to be able to centralize @Formulas by creating an abstracted @Formula.


PS : I am not asking to have these working in view's (selection and columns @Formula's) :-)

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    • Guest
      Jan 24, 2023

      Interesting. We do this with double curly brackets around a variable, and then do JS around to that variable in YAML and JSON now. This could work even better if we took this paradigm and re-applied to @Formulas. This allow the use of an @Formula within a LotusScript w/o needing an eval variant, and should be pretty easy to embed in a SSJS JavaScript line, as well. @Formula(bla; bla);

    • Guest
      Feb 14, 2020

      This is a very good idea that would improve @formula alot. 

    • Guest
      Jul 26, 2019

      There is XFL:

    • Guest
      Jun 16, 2019

      This along with maybe a @Formula script library would be fantastic. I imagine it like this...


      Define the function (named or unnamed parameters):

      @DefineFunction("AddTwoNumbers"; @Do(

          a := @Argument("first");

          b := @Argument(2);

          @Return(a + b);

      ) );


      @DefineFunction("Name of function"; statement1; statement2; statement3);


      Call the function:

      result := @CallFunction('Name of function"; @Argument("first"; 2) : 3) ;

      REM { result = 5 }

    • Guest
      Apr 2, 2019

      Would also allow to have a computed/computed for display field based upon a LotusScript function. 

    • Admin
      Thomas Hampel
      Oct 27, 2018

      Moving idea to product : Domino Designer