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Hah! Seems like HCL will do something like this.
From: http://domino.elfworld.org/successful-local-domino-v11-launch-party/
he Notes client will be released in the following editions:
We will most likely not create 'another' client on a different code stream. However, the request for improving the user interface has been raised more than once (see related ideas)
Some staff want a simpler UI than Verse on Prem presents. They would be happy with a UI like GMail.
Making Verse "feature complete" is already on IBM/HCL's roadmap and with that they mean align the features with IBM iNotes, which is not that far from Notes.
I agree that that Verse is a modern-looking UI, but why not bring that to the client?
Unless they can do that with the actual Notes client (let's see what v10.x.x or v11 brings), I think that it might be an idea to create a separate mail client.
I, as an admin, don't care too much about the UI, but many users do and that's one of the main critics of this client (see the number of ideas and votes regarding that matter).
On the other hand, I think there's also still a user base which prefers a client rather than a browser based client. It might mainly be a habit, but also feature-wise.
So my conclusion is that or IBM/HCL needs to do a lot of efforts in updating the Notes client interface or they might give it a new start with a light-weight fresh-looking Verse client, which could maybe synchronize through SyncML or something like that and why not give integration options with Notes or ICAA...
On the other hand, HCL Places will maybe be the next mail client, so this idea is maybe already "planned".
Hmm, why not make Verse "feature complete" instead (whatever that term really means)? It already has a modern looking ui and doesn't depend on mail template customizations. Where do you see an advantage in creating yet another new mail&calendar client?