When the server is down or no network connection between Client and server, try to open a database from the Notes client which will try to reach the server for some time and then gives up with the message prompt "The Server is not responding".
Currently, there is no setting in the Notes client for the number of retries that Notes Client makes. The time-out value for a TCP/IP port configuration is for the TCP/IP send/receive calls, opening a database, or any higher level NSF.
APIs are not the same as a single TCP/IP request. There is no configuration setting for a time-out at the NSF API layer.
Connection attempt time-out duration under File -- Preference -- Notes Ports -- Options. This is set to 5 seconds by default.
Basically, The time-out is only for the first 3-way handshakes. This setting work only, when a connection established between the Client and server but there is high latency in the network.
This case client tries for 5 sec as per the connection time-out and then display the necessary message if the server is not reachable.
Notes client enhancement, should have an option to set to this retry time at Notes client-side when Notes client try to connect to server When the server is down or no network connection between client and server.