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Drag and Drop Email in Windows Explorer should save as Senders name and Date.

When you drag and drop e-mails from your mailbox into Explorer, can you influence the name of the file?

A user drags his e-mails into the Explorer, but only the subject is used as the file name.

The customer would like to have the sender's name and the date in the file name, if that were possible.

  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest
      Oct 25, 2022

      Perhaps to allow customization to meet developer needs there could be a class that would take in a document and write to a file based on the name and path provided? This way the developer can code in the filename to whatever specifications for the organization are required? This could also be used for other purposes ( like exporting an EML and attaching to an external system, etc programmatically ). To allow for greater flexibility, the class could render to a RichTextItem ( storage considerations due to LS size limitations on String ) or if Java is used treat it as String? The developer could then handle it in whatever manner is best suited for the task?

      Specific to this request, the file name could be a preference in the Notes client for the drag and drop operation

    • Guest
      Oct 24, 2022

      yes this is important!

      this idea needs more support!