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I would like to increase the limit of 130 bytes for folder names. https://help.hcltechsw.com/inotes/12.0.0/rulesforcreatingfoldernames_c.html
ok, you perhaps have a performance issue, but it is normally working...
We have some "power users", who have been migrated from outlook to notes and have more then 10000 folders with very long folder names in their outlook maildatabase. You have a problem, if you want to migrate maildatabases with many folders/long foldernames to notes...
It would be great if this limit could be increased.
Microsoft refers to a limit on the number of folders in Outlook 2016 here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2768656/outlook-performance-issues-when-there-are-too-many-items-or-folders-in