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A similar ask is to hide Person documents that are members of a Deny list from showing in an address picker dialog box or type ahead.
We have the same request from one of our customer.
@thomas : if you now have a solution it will be great. It's very usefull for secondary directory on EDC !
Thank you.
Laurent Zambardi
Hi Thomas,
We want to some of the TOP management peoples and some email id's those we are using for only outside communication and confidential miscellaneous work. We want to hide this category users from the internal users.
Domino feature is working for Group but not for users.
Can you just share the steps, how are you suggesting to hide on my email id raj.rajpoot@parle.biz
Why would you like to hide users? Whats the reason for it?
What you can do is to use a different directory for your cloud users. In the cloud admin UI you can specify the directory sync server and file name, just create a new onprem directory for the users you want to keep isolated. However, I dont understand why you would want to do that.
This has one drawback IMHO : you cannot keep track of the hidden ones unless you open them 1 by 1. A real nuisance if you have a large Domino Directory. It would be handy to have on the PersonDoc / Mail-in Doc, ... a checkbox that says something like "hide in type-ahead". You can then easily have a view with all docs that have that box checked.