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I have just installed the 12.0.2 64-bit client and am still seeing the red 'x' problem when pasting information from some sites from Chrome and Microsoft into a Notes document. Although pasting each image as a bitmap works, the problem is now affecting emails as well when embedded images are hosted on an HTTPS server using SNI. Ifthere is not a "View in browser" link, extracting the URLs from the email source to understand the content of the email is wearing thin.
After a complete month working on a web servide consumer issue, I've found by myself that any version of domino server (ever the last 12.0.1 ) can't connect to a external soap web service that use SNI. Then I've found this thread. And since most web services use SNI, I wonder if there is anyone who is actually using this, and if it is yet another small reason to abandon domino. Nowadays and since a few years it is a must to have this working.
@Thomas Hampel, I just downloaded Notes Client 12.0 (fresh install) and can still reproduce the problem. HCL Support suggested I contact you through the Product Ideas Portal to get an update on when this enhancement might be released.
Thanks, Norbert
Need this for a large Domino deployment
Thomas Hampel, see HCL support case CS0192135 for clarification.
This problem also applies when Domino server is client. For example, when a Domino server connects to an external soap web service that uses SNI.
So does this mean that SNI is desired when the notes client is the HTTP client and also when the Domino HTTP server task is the HTTP client? In otherwise, SNI support outbound vs. inbound which is already done.
This problem is also visible if you open your ID-file in client and go to "Identity of others" and "Find out more about people/services". If you try to retrieve the certificate of an SNI-enabled service it does not work.
As far as I can tell, this is set by Files -> Preferences / Web Browser. However, that option does not show on both my production Notes 9.0.1FP9 system (upgraded numerous times over the years) and also a fresh install of 9.0.1FP10 - there is nothing between 'Toolbar' and 'Widgets'. The fresh install has an Internet Browser tab in my Location settings, but this seems to be for something different. Also, I am not clicking on a link - I am copying text with images from Chrome/Firefox/Edge and pasting into a Notes document.
Thanks, Norbert
Is your Notes client configured to use the operating system default web browser ?