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Status Needs Review
Workspace Notes
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 6, 2019

Duplicate folder names can be caused by drag&drop

When you be created multiple folders with the same names with different tree structure, they are dragged and dragged without closing the database and you continue to create other folders over the folders that have been dragged when you closed the database and return it to open. We obtain folders structure different that the users wanted that if they are still dragged to put them in the desired position and create also new folders when closing and reopening, the client notes is able to create another folder called "Folder" with a structure similar to the one that had the user previously. And already the folders become little operational

Step by Step

1- If we try to create a new folder that duplicates the structure and name of the previous ones. The notes client doesn´t permit doing it. But if we create it in another branch and move it, we obtain the folder duplication.
I have obtain two equal trees by move of the folders dragging.

2-If within the structure that I have moved I try to create a new folder I get as a result a new folders structure.

3- Leaving this structure with folders that only leaves enabled the Create folders option and the other folder options disabled

4- If I try to create a new folder from the structure that I dragged apparently the client notes creates a structure with duplicity of folders
Actually the client notes proposes another route where to create it.

5-On the folder that only lets you create folders, and the other options are disabled, you try to create the folder "read"

5.1- From the site that I obtained with duplicity when dragging I try to create the folder "seen".
It already shows us another route (but the end user isnt aware of it)

6- Finally created the folder "visto" in another site to the desired. And a structure is created that isnt the desired

6.1 When we close the database and we open it, it gives the impression that it has lost folders.

7- I create a folder called "numeral" and drag it, but I have also dragged the "pruebas web" when trying to create new folder the structure that is seen in the folders part of the mailbox is different from the one that shows the try to create a folder with the option New folder in the folder that have the others folders options disabled.

7-1 Then I create the "Decimal" folder under "Pruebas web" folder

7.2- The result is that the system itself creates a similar folder structure and also creating a folder called folders and it is as if it were repeated.

8- We obtain that they remain within that new structure several folders with disabled options and are been below what the client notes has created and has called "carpetas" with structure similar to what we already had

Leaving all the folders in the mailbox in an unimaginable way and
little operational
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