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In many cases, a simple button that would forward the suspect e-mail as .EML file to an (to be defined via policy?) internal mail-in database for further treatment would already be a real improvement. Independent from your antispam provider, simple for the end user so less calls to helpdesk and admin happy because the EML contains the full headers that can easily be submitted to the antispam provider. Everybody would win time with such a quick win.
Proofpoint and other spam proxies don't need integration per se with Verse to be effective. They intercept the bad stuff and let users know what's been intercepted in case there's been a mistake. That much being said, we're looking at some UI extensions in Verse which could provide a tighter coupling such as an actual spam button or requesting the spam engine to send a digest of what actions it has taken.
Integration with Proofpoint email security solution would be beneficial.
When using Lotus Protector see here: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21640360 #LPMS
This service is available in Germany (see below). It would now be good if you could simply generate a mail from an existing spam mail to the complaints office (with mail header) by 1 click. If the destination addresses were configurable, this could be used individually to send feedback to the spam filter provider.
Email, Spam method
For complaints about German spam, please forward the complaint e-mail with original header to one of the following e-mail addresses:
For general spam
General spam e-mails are those whose illegality is based solely on the circumstance of the unsolicited dispatch.
In the case of special spam
Special spam e-mails are those which, beyond the illegality of the unsolicited sending, either contain illegal content or refer to such.
Here is a code of that https://www.openntf.org/Projects/codebin/codebin.nsf/CodeBySubCategory/9212071666EA362286257132000AA2E8
source address can be easily faked. The same spam message can be sent from different addresses in 1-2 hours.
Most our customers use Barracuda. Would be nice to have universal button that still extract all headers and forward to predefined address with one click
Such a feature needs to work hand in hand with the Antispam engine that is being used. For IBM Protector it already exists. See this https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSPS94/service/topics/cfg_providing_the_report_as_spam_to_notes_users_t.html