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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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My ideas

Showing 8602

Add ability to create FT indexes for databases specified in One-Touch Setup JSON

It would be helpful in a number of situations to be able to have One-Touch Setup create FT indexes for new and default databases in the appConfiguration/databases section of the config. It'd be all the better if this is detectable in some way - ei...
over 2 years ago in Domino / Administration 0 Planning to Implement

Hide Configuration views from names.nsf outline for ordinary Notes users

Dear. We need to make navigation simple, configuration views are not needed for user. Lets hide it from regular users
about 1 year ago in Notes 1 Under Consideration

Correct indentation on "End Select" in Lotus Script

The auto indentation of Lotus Script misplaces an "End Select" line. It would need an additional indent tab to be placed correctly. Please just fix this! Mark Reiser sirius-net GmbH
over 3 years ago in Domino Designer / LotusScript 1 Under Consideration

Add a lotusscript method to export inline image in rich text field

Attachments files and objects are able to export by using ExtractFile method in EmbeddedObject class.But there is no method to export pasted image data to disk. Currently it can implement to use DXLExporter and ConvertNotesBitmapsToGIF. But It is ...
almost 4 years ago in Domino Designer / LotusScript 0 Under Consideration

Domino Inbound SMTP STARTTLS -- Log TLS Version and used Cipher

Most other applications add the TLS Version and used cipher to the received header.Example: from xyz.acme.local ( by abc.acme.local ( with Acme SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256_P...
over 6 years ago in Domino / Security 3 Assessment

LotusScript JSONParser SetElement, SetArray

The new JSONParser for LotusScript is great but we need the ability to not only read but write into an JSON object and Arrays and be able to convert to JSON String and save into the document.
about 6 years ago in Domino / Integration 3 Assessment

PicklistStrings using data array instead of documents

It would be very helpful to have the ability to let the user pick one ore more data sets out of given tabular data presented based on a view or folder design. The data maybe provided as multi dimensional array, some kind of key/value sets or maybe...
12 months ago in Domino Designer / LotusScript 0 Needs Review

Verse-on-Prem to support live feed calendar via URL link (iCal Feed)

This feature is available in Notes Client but somehow not available in Verse
5 months ago in Verse / Verse on Premises 0 Needs Review

Clean broken application icons on workspace

For users with many years' usage, it's common that their workspace contains over 100 icons. Some tool is needed to clear obsolete database icons (when server is retired)
over 6 years ago in Notes 1 Assessment

Improve SAML - We need act also as a Idp Provider

Currently, Domino can use SAML for authentication, but NOT to act as an IdP provider. There is a lot of product on cloud that in order to do SSO, they do require an IdP, an your are forced to use ADFS or Tivoli for that. On the same way that Domin...
over 6 years ago in Domino / Security 7 Assessment