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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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All ideas

Showing 8554 of 8554

Reset configuration without uninstall/install operation

When you want to change your NomadMobile settings, the only way at this time is to uninstall the application and reinstall it. The problem with that is that if you install from the app store, you will end up with a different version (the latest ve...
almost 2 years ago in Nomad / Nomad (iOS) 2 No Plans to Implement

Sametime Meetings - turn off Avatars for guest users

If Sametime Community/Proxy is configured to retrieve profile photos from HCL Connections then Sametime Meeting guest users wil get many authorization prompts in browser because they have not a CNX account and will never retrieve photos. This can ...
over 3 years ago in Sametime / Meetings 1 Already Exists

Notes to warn Chair when overbooking a room after it has been initially accepted

(1) Chair creates a meeting on behalf of Chair including a room reservation(2) Chair invites participants within the room capacity(3) Chair receives Acceptance notice from the room(4) Chair later adds more participants exceeding the room capacity ...
over 6 years ago in Notes 1 Under Consideration

Allow Sender Email address control for allowed to relay IPs

Currently when specific IPs are allowed to relay from Domino server, then they can use any "From" address and all the mails will be allowed from Domino server irrespecitve of "From" address. This creates one problem that, there is no control over ...
over 2 years ago in Domino / Administration 1 Under Consideration

When dragging a database icon from one workspace tab to another, allow dropping the icon in a specific place

Currently when a database icon is dragged from one workspace tab to another, the icon is dropped on the tab itself and then when you click on the tab you have to go searching for where it dropped it. This should work more like all other drag-and-d...
almost 6 years ago in Notes 2 Under Consideration

Recipients can remark the sender's name according to their preferences in their inbox

Question: Open the inbox and receive messages from Zhang San/OU1 and Zhang San/OU2 respectively, but only Zhang San is displayed from the inbox, so the recipient cannot know which Zhang San sent the mail from the inbox view. Expect: Recipients can...
over 3 years ago in Notes 0 Needs Review

Possibility to create, modify mail rules in a delegated mail file with editor access

Possibility to create, modify mail rules in a delegated mail file with editor access. Parity feature with iNotes missing in Verse
over 2 years ago in Verse / Verse on Premises 1 Under Consideration

Controlling high usage views

Enabling high usage views is a nice feature and makes sense: Since the task is quite resource intensive it should allow a better control from the admin. i.e. allow the admin to exclude...
almost 3 years ago in Domino / Administration 3 Needs Clarification

Bring back allowing multiple instances of nlnotes.exe to be opened from 1 licence

Back in R7 (?) we used to be able to open up mutliple instances of the Notes client which was really handy when you had to test application access using different access levels. Now we have to switch locations which does not always work perfectly ...
over 6 years ago in Client Application Access 1 No Plans to Implement

Exporting meeting details from resource reservation database does not include the recipient or invitees.

Exporting meeting details from resource reservation database does not include the recipient or invitees. It includes all the other meeting details but does not have the recipients list. The workaround is to export the meeting directly from the sen...
4 months ago in Notes / Documentation 0 Needs Review