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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Admin Client

Showing 155

Tools for analytic and solve mail delivery problem

Today has a lot of messaging security that will be implement eg. spf, dkim, dmarc, dns blacklist, dnssec. Domino should have feature that can report and problem suggestion to domino admin to increase mail security.
over 2 years ago in Admin Client 2 Needs Clarification

Paste HTTP Password

Please let us paste a password into the HTTP password field. It's a PITA to have to input generated passwords manually. ICAA-I-9 is similar but for the Notes client.
over 2 years ago in Admin Client 2 No Plans to Implement

Add Domino Administrator help to Notes and Designer Help system

Please add the Domino Administrator Help to the Domino Designer and Notes Help System. This would let you search the entire Help for information. Lotus had the right idea that you could not become a CLP Developer without Admin knowledge and you co...
over 3 years ago in Admin Client 0 Under Consideration

Serverconsole : show only response related to a given command

When I'm issuing a server console command I only want to receive results related to the command. Actually I've only the option to pause/stop the console, resulting in getting no response to my command or to play console. On a very active Mailserve...
almost 4 years ago in Admin Client 0 Assessment

Addition Group criteria in Mail Rule

We would like to have additional criteria in the Mail Rule condition choices. If possible to add Domino group name in the Mail Rule Condition criteria.
almost 4 years ago in Admin Client 3 Needs Clarification

For forwarding address, forwarded mails to show that it was sent by the user using the "forwarding address" instead of the original sender.

Once the forwarding address has been set up (, by design, if user A sends out an email to user B where in User B is using "forwarding address" (user C), mail received...
over 4 years ago in Admin Client 1 Under Consideration

Reset Inotes passwords for multiple users.

Reset Inotes passwords for multiple users.
almost 5 years ago in Admin Client 2 Needs Clarification

Should list IMAP status for the database at Files tab in Domino Administrator.

After we perform compact -e against mail database , we can confirm the mail database show "Database is IMAP enabled" at information tab in the database property. But if the numbers of the databases are increased , it's difficult to know which data...
over 5 years ago in Admin Client 0 Under Consideration

The database sizes display has changed to GB, MB, and KB in the administrator file tab starting from version 14.0

The database sizes displayed in the Administrator file tab were previously shown in bytes. However, starting from version 14.0, the display has changed to GB, MB, KB, etc. Is it possible to display them in a unified manner or revert to the origina...
3 months ago in Admin Client 1 Needs Review

Add a View to show expiring Server/Cert/Crosscert/ID-Vault/PasswordReset Certificates

In Domino admin Client Configurations Tab / certificates we have a view to show the expiration date of user certificates (only). I ran into a situation where some Servers didn't start or at least created warnings on domino server console, due to e...
9 months ago in Admin Client 0 Assessment