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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 8602

I would like to add a parameter to the @UserRoles function.

The @UserAccess function allows the user to get the current user's access rights by specifying the server name and file name. I want @UserRoles function to be able to get the current user's roles by specifying the server name and file name in the ...
over 1 year ago in Domino Designer / @Formulas 0 Needs Review

Programmatic Column name that matches existing Field Name should not conflict

When there is a display value for View's column as formula, then if its Programmatic name matches exactly the name of other Field in the document, it will alter the formula value to field value instead. Use case example: You have View column title...
about 2 years ago in Domino Designer / Views 2 Needs Clarification

Pagination enhancement in HCL Domino Leap Manager

In V1.1 build 20, when user delete all apps on page 2, it is not moved to page 1, instead the "so far you have no applications" message will appear. Once the page is reloaded, user can see all apps on page 1 (10 apps in this case). Customer sugges...
about 2 years ago in DLeap 1 Needs Review

"Propose new time" should be available on mobile devices via traveler

A limitation of traveler is that the feature "Delegate and Propose new time" is not supported. IBM/HCL should work on this feature because it's important to see ...
about 6 years ago in Traveler 0 Assessment

Multiple filters in View Data

Currently, a filter can be created in View Data, but only one can be saved. Please make it possible to create and save multiple filters, as it would be desirable to view the data in multiple ways.
over 1 year ago in DLeap 0 Under Consideration

Improve fulltext search for [FIELDNAME] IS PRESENT

Please improve the "undocumented" feature within fulltext searches: [FIELDNAME] IS PRESENT Unfortunately this isn´t working on date fields at all. Also if a field was formerly created as a text field and later redesigned to a date field it is not...
almost 6 years ago in Domino Designer 2 Assessment

@dblookup / @dbcolumn for views

To implement information from another view without saving it in the document.
over 6 years ago in Domino Designer / @Formulas 8 No Plans to Implement

Can't expand the group members after click + from To field

Reproduce steps: 1. Create internet group in Domino directory with mail domain & group internet address. 2. Open outlook, create a new memo, select the created group from domino directory. 3. The group name is added in To field, the group name...
about 3 years ago in Traveler for Microsoft Outlook-HTMO 1 Assessment

Increase Mail Rules Limit - 100 rules only can be created on Notes Client or 32K limit

Mail Rules Limitation - 100 rules only can be created on Notes Client or 32K limit
over 6 years ago in Notes 7 Assessment

Should support HCL Verse on Harmony OS

Now more and more users using the HuaWei phone both from mainland and WW,which running on Harmony OS.Harmony OS is a family of operating systems developed by Huawei. Users request to support this system, then they can use HCL Verse on Harmony OS, ...
almost 4 years ago in Verse / Mobile (Android) 5 Under Consideration