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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Admin Client

Showing 156

Add option to view, edit and delete profile documents

There is NotesPeek to view profile documents but it is not possible to delete or even edit them. We need an option to view, edit and delete profile documents in Admin Client.
over 3 years ago in Admin Client 4 Already Exists

Add a "Document count" column on "Files" tab

Would display the number of documents in the DB. This value is currently available within the DB properties, "Info" tab.
over 5 years ago in Admin Client 5 Needs Clarification

Security issue: Server Monitoring in Admin client scans all domains even when only one is selected

I work with multiple companies and frequently switch locations to use different Notes IDs for each company. If I run the server monitoring, it will try to poll every server I have identified in every domain, even when I select one specific domain ...
about 6 years ago in Admin Client 3 Under Consideration

Convert group members to internet addresses agent - fix it :)

The "Convert group members to internet addresses agent" takes a very long time to complete and is rarely successful. I occasionally use this agent to get the email addresses of all active Domino users to add them to a Viva Engage community. I'm su...
3 months ago in Admin Client 0 Needs Review

Password checking on certifier ids

Currently you can change the password on a certifier id, but all other copies of the id will continue to work with the old password. So, in a scenario where you're not happy with the password quality on a certifier id, there is no way to enforce t...
3 months ago in Admin Client 0 Needs Review

Distribute workspaces (desktiop8.ndk) to Notes/Nomad Clients

There are no setting to distribute a workspace (desktiop8.ndk) which has the pre-added icons within specific and named tabs to Notes/Nomad Clients. Request the implementation of a setting (e.g. in Setup/Desktop Setting policy) that distribute ...
over 1 year ago in Admin Client 2 Needs Review

Check the "List in Database Catalog" settings in the database list and set them all at once.

It is very inconvenient to check the "Design Tab" settings of each database property to find out if the "List in Database Catalog" setting has been unintentionally removed or to check which databases have not been set. We request the new "List...
about 2 years ago in Admin Client 2 Assessment

Create users via text file or csv needs to catch up to the R12 times

The fields and functionality of the text file/csv are limited given TOTP requirements. For customers with applications that previously created internet person documents, they now have to convert all of them(in my current case, we have 16,000) into...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Client 1 Assessment

Multiple open server tabs

Make it possible to have multiple server consoles in separate tabs, so one can easily switch from one console to the other.
over 3 years ago in Admin Client 2 Assessment

ID File Encryption Strength UI when changing to "No Password"

Goal: The goal is to change the Server ID File key encryption strength from 128 bit AES to 256 bit AES. We able to change it when adding a password. But when changing it to "No Password" the strength automatically changes to 128 bit AES. Step to r...
about 1 year ago in Admin Client 2 Planning to Implement