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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Domino Intelligence / Domino IQ
Adding AI to a Domino server Please add comments that tell us what use cases you would have for AI available from Domino. Here are some examples to get you started: Summarise long email threads Reply to email with AI Translate the email thread Hig...

All ideas

Showing 1119

OpenIn Functionality for Contacts, to use and dial phone numbers within 3rd party apps like Equinox

Native iOS Contacts support an OpenIn Functionality and we would like to have this function also within IBM Verse: 1. Within Contacts select "Call/Anrufen"2. Select "Avaya Equinox"3. Select Number to Call4. After that, the number will be delivered...
over 6 years ago in Verse / Mobile (iOS) 5 No Plans to Implement

To-Do management capability

Android verse app allows access to and ability to manage To-Do from Verse Mobile app but this function seems to be missing in the iOS app. Is this feature on your list to implement and if so when
over 6 years ago in Verse / Mobile (iOS) 1 No Plans to Implement

Prevent users from unchecking the option "Use operating system settings when available" in iNotes preferences

By default, the option "Use operating system settings when available" is checked in iNotes preferences. However if an user unchecks that option mannualy, the times from appointments are showed wrongly. So a policy or a notes.ini parameter to preve...
over 4 years ago in Domino / Administration 1 No Plans to Implement

Support DB2 Text Search instead of DB2 Net Search Extender for ST Advanced

Support DB2 Text Search within DB2 11.x instead of DB2 Net Search Extender for ST Advanced. DB2 Net Search extender is depreciated and no longer works with DB2 11.x and DB2 9.7.x is EOL. We may just need new installation information on how to inst...
over 6 years ago in Sametime / Chat 1 No Plans to Implement

Useful Metrics

For operating Sametime it would be extremely helpful to have Analytics and Metrics around the usage at hand. This also applies to Audio/Video and Meetings. Currently it is not possible to pull information about usage e.g. daily, weekly, monthly us...
over 6 years ago in Sametime / Chat 0 No Plans to Implement

May select to install the components or not

There are five components created after install Verse APP on Android mobile. But it is to many components. So hope user may select to install the responding component during install process.
over 6 years ago in Verse / Mobile (Android) 0 No Plans to Implement

HCL Symmetrical Cluster on Domino V10.0.1

HCL Product Dev Team, Hope you doing great!! It will be good if HCL Product Dev team can work on HCL Symmetrical Cluster on Domino for V10.0.1 to setup\work for different folders for user's mail file or applications. please see below mentioned exa...
over 4 years ago in Domino / Administration 1 No Plans to Implement

Blocking of emails to user mailbox at a certain time.

Blocking of email to user mailbox at a certain time. For example, user can send email to this mail file from 8AM to 5PM only. After the time set, all incoming email will be block.
over 4 years ago in Domino / Administration 3 No Plans to Implement

Several IMAP mailboxes on a server without ID management

Due to project related mailboxes users need access to several mailboxes via IMAP, to use them with the same mail app on mobile. At the moment a user can have only one mailbox per server and needs a person document with an ID.
over 6 years ago in Domino 2 No Plans to Implement

In this Product Ideas Portal, allow the option to edit submitted ideas

It would be nice to be able to see the ideas you've submitted here. Then to edit them or even cancel them. thanks clem
over 4 years ago in Domino / General 2 No Plans to Implement