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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 2365

Must Haves in the new Notes Client

There is much talk arountd a new 'thin' Notes client - moving away from Eclipse. Most users only remember the Eclipse Client (they are not as old as me!) The Workspace and Righthand tool bor is to them, IBM Notes. What ever chages are made these t...
over 6 years ago in Notes 4 Under Consideration

Setting to change the selection background color of Mail DB in Notes Standard

In Notes Standard Client, the background color for selected docs of Mail DB is fixed and can't be changed. (The color of Notes 9/10 is navy blue and the color of Notes 11 is light blue ) Some users would like to change the color (e.g. Green) a...
almost 4 years ago in Notes 0 Needs Review

Add a restore from archive feature in a delegated mailbox

In a delegated mailbox, like a mail-in database, from an archive DB, it should be possible to select documents and choose "Restore to mail".
over 1 year ago in Notes 0 Needs Review

Let the row of the view that the cursor is over display a floating button that can initiate additional actions

This is a contemporary action initiation gesture which brings notes up to date and lessens the perception that the interface is old. This is a combination of "Selection tracks mouse movement" from the embedded view and the menu on right mouse click.
over 5 years ago in Notes 2 No Plans to Implement

File Application New Copy - Please allow to select ODS Version in this Dialog

So, e.g. this could be a drop down list with the following options (not sure if all my values are correct) ODS 53 (Notes/Domino 12) ODS 52 (Notes/Domino 11) ODS 51 (Notes/Domino 10) ODS 49 (Notes/Domino 9) ODS 48 (Notes/Domino 8) ODS 43 (Note...
almost 3 years ago in Notes 3 No Plans to Implement

Enable every View to be 'modern' (Eclipse-View like in Mailfile)

Allow every view to be enabled as an eclipse view (like in Mail). Add new design element to specify what information should be displayed in 'collapsed' views (not full width) and what field should show 'beginning of message' Also horizontal and ve...
over 5 years ago in Notes 0 Under Consideration

When a user forgot his password, is there a way for them to recover or reset their own password without the need of the administrator help?

We would like to have a built-in tool for Notes to recover the password without the administrator's help. Example of the idea: We could have a tool to reset it and have it automatically be sent to another email address of the user. Reference: ht...
over 5 years ago in Notes 2 Under Consideration

Make "Import these entries into your personal calendar" the default value when opening .ics files

Only in rare circumstances do users add a calendar to their calendars list. The vast majority of the time I am importing a single calendar entry from an external meeting invitation and want to select the "Import these entries into your personal ca...
almost 5 years ago in Notes 2 Under Consideration

Tool to verify integrity of Notes installation

It would be a useful to have a tool to verify the integrity of all files within a Notes installation, looking for files that have been modified or removed. This could potentially be run during NSD on a Notes crash to detect if the installation is ...
about 6 years ago in Notes 0 Under Consideration

Automatic or multiple "Out of Office" definitions

Currently, you can only define one absence note at a time. There are often successive absences between which you cannot change the information. Customers wish to have the possibility to define several OoOs in advance or the possibility to define s...
over 5 years ago in Notes 2 Under Consideration