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It would be a high time to be implemented in v14
Grand Total is a total of all categories, that number at the bottom. You cannot hide it even user does not have access to documents that are in the view.
For example you have project totals. Each project manager see its project totals / categories. But all see total for all projects. This is a stopper in real life.
Difference is that empty categorized sections can be hidden if user has no allowed docs to show. But total is always displayed. This is a NO GO for security reasons.
This is long overdue.
Best would be to have a calculated option for display of total in certain category and a formula for grand totals.
Usually views with totals and permission based access show only non-empty categories, that have docs user can access. But then user also view grand totals, that is should not.
Also like specified in first statement, it would be nice to have a formula like:
@If(CategoryValue="My Projects"; show_totals; do_not_show_totals)
I think that "calculated option" is related to visibility of Grand totals at the bottom of a view.
I think that It would be also very useful to have this option for categorized column. So you can define that this column total, sum etc. value (usually first categorized column) is not to be shown for this categorized view. The reason for this is for example view that shows your bank accounts balance - Col2 cat shows currency and col3 amount of money. Then showing sum of EUR and USD accounts in Col1 cat. can be confusing for users.
>Col1 cat.
330 (this is not desired to be shown)
>Col2 cat.
Col3 standard
Col3 standard
>Col2 cat.
Col3 standard
Col3 standard
Calculated/computed of visible flag to show grand totals or not.
What is the difference between a calculated and a grand total ?