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When designing a picture filtering application (to remove logo pictures from a mails into a helpdesk mailbox but preserve the screenshots) I noticed unstable behaviour when reusing objects of type NotesStream, NotesDXLExporter, NotesDXLImporter and NotesDomparser. When rewritten to recreate the needed objects for each document, stability returned.
The objects where isolated in a Sub which was called for each document, and only initialized inside that Sub. This worked great!
That code is useful, but using streaming to bring it in limits it when e.g. running on a batch of documents - stream has an undocumented memory leak that will crash after ~40-80 docs
There is a way to do it using Mime: https://www.grange.com.br/posts/lotusscript-code-to-embed-a-picture-into-a-notes-richtext-item/
But I agree, it should be easier.