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Hello Thomas,
Thank you for your comment.
However users are getting piled up with lots of error messages in log.nsf due to the message "Failed to authenticate with server NoVault/Server/OU/O/: This server does not have the vault. A referral was returned." for the webusers.
ID vault is not configured for the webusers which is already a known one and their concern is why should to receive this message for webuser authentication.
No plans to address this request - instead the roadmap is to require an IDVault for any deployment in the future. So please set up an IDVault.
I can't understand why your customer has no ID Vault implemented. It is your backbone of your infrastructure and you need it for all new features like TOTP, Nomad for web browsers etc.
And please read this comment in One-touch setup: Pls. add ServerSetup/registerUsers/defaults/ForceChangePassword