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Its possible to use the fullname field for Federation but this is far from good. The federation search for everything in this field and in some cases you get at match on firstname if its the same name as the AD-account, for common names this can mean that you will be logged in as the wrong user. So if a another field with a single value could be user this would be much simpler and better
This limitation cripples Domino's SAML support.
Now - after 3 years - any updates on this. We really need to be able to read additional attributes from the SAML assertion. Alternatively store the entire SAML assertion in as a Notes document. PasswordPower from PistolStar could do this 10 years ago.
Yes, please. I have a customer requesting this right now
The O365 SAML implementation allows for an additional 5 parameters to be passed as "assertions" in the SAML logon... Domino completely ignores these assertions but if Domino could pass them as valid parameters associated with the authenticating user, these additional paratements chould be used to map to ACL's on Domino, thus allowing for Domino security to be supported with AAD logins
Absolutely! Yes please! I have customers who are using other names already.
I have a customer with an unique company ID.
The IdP is using LDAP and that attribute is their primary name there as well.
The mapping worked because that entry is unique and in the fullname field of the user.
But it's unsupported!
Using that attribute was the only common name in all directories and it would have been a show-stopper.
I have multiple customers with this requirement. And I don't see why it should be complicated to support it when the name is in the fullname field or any other field that is in the same namelookup.
[ Daniel Nashed / http://blog.nashcom.de ]