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Automatically Refresh Document in READ
If document is opened in Read mode for long time and user returns to it (using tab or by opening again from view) it should be automatically refreshed (reloaded) or at least message that the document has been change after it has been opened in Notes client.
I would appreciate some similar mechanism as in inbox folder: folder is refreshed automatically (or refresh indicator appears) after a new document is delivered .
Agree. To deal with this issue, I ended with putting a script in the doc QueryModeChange in the apps that use doc locking.
Yes, I once wrote about this: http://ideajam.net/IdeaJam/P/ij.nsf/0/A695EE131E6E77CD8625773C003617D7?OpenDocument
I would also like an option that would not give the opportunity to save the document if a conflict will be occured, but simply display an informational message "The document cannot be saved (the reason - a conflict...). Reopen the document and perform the action again".
It would be good to have an option, either as you describe or simply a call to reload so that the two could be chained. It probably couldn't always be done as there are times when the application assumes that the in-memory document is different, but it would be very useful as an option.