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If your simple method is correct, then perhaps HCL can update the documentation. As of 11.0.1, the documentation states that Timer returns the elapsed time since midnight in seconds and that it is rounded to the nearest hundredth.
In my own tests of your suggestion (I tried it maybe 10 times), the first time Timer is called, it always ends with .5000 which makes me question its accuracy.
There is also another simple method to measure time with inbuild functions:
Dim dblStart AS Double
dblStart = Timer
' Your code
' Output time needed in seconds but with milliseconds decimal places
Print Format(Timer - dblStart, "0.000") & " s"
Yes, I saw that method before I posted. I also found a Windows API call that I used. However it would be nice to have a built in method to use.
You could use this method