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This issue is still with an assessment status since 2018? The problem is growing. Unable to open attachments with the MSG file extension. Please assist.
Is this planned to be implementet in 12.0.2 FP1 ??
We are about to make our own adon to HCL Notes 12.0.2 if hen .msg converter is not about to be implementet .. but will not do so if it is about to be released.
Yes we are also facing this issue a lot, please provide a fix.
I suggest to creating a Domino setting or rule to automatically convert .msg attachments to PDF or EML files when the mail arrives on the server. The Java code for such a conversion is openly available on GitHub or as an open Java library.
A .MSG file is completely useless outside of Microsoft world.
Today we use this tool
We are facing this issue as well. Please provide a fix this.
Running IBM Notes v10 and Connections Cloud, want to share mails with members of Community, starting Outlook (IMSMO) and drag and drop mail from inbox to Community. Every user of Outlook can reat mail and attachments, but none of IBM Notes users (Domino v9.0.1.FP10). Waiting............ for solutions......
Yes we are also facing this issue.