I have many forms with multiple fields. To help the user (and significantly improve the form look and feel), I use the "Native OS" field type with Border Style 'inset" on the Field property box.
I am using the standard Notes client and for all form fields requiring user data entry, It would really help the user if, when they tab/enter into an editable field, either the border changed colour, or the field background changed colour, to give the user immediate feedback as to the field they are in. Notably, ComboBox field outlines (default border is type Insert) change colour (to blue) when they become the current focus, but ordinary fields using the Inset border type do not.
I find that using the Field Help function to display a message in the Status bar is not sufficient, and am getting a lot of complaints from end-users that they are getting lost in complex multi field forms.
I do not know if this is already possible, fro example by using the "Entering" event - has anyone any experience doing this using calls to back end API functions? Obviously a built in function would be preferable, based on the Border Style setting, otherwise I would have to edit thousands of fields on hundreds of forms...
As the comment from Oct 18th proposes to use a table and to change the background image of the cell ... I would more likely want to use simple color rules (instead of creating multiple images) and would like to have an option where I can connect the table cell to the field within.
As for now, I need to use a hidden field, where I store the information of which field is currently focused. Then I need to enter a formula for each table cell background where a field is located and use the information in the hidden field.
I agree with the option to change the border color when the user enters the field. You can get a work alike option if you have the field in a table cell. You can set the cell image source based on the current field in the NotesUIWorkspace.