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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

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About the UI of Location document mail tab in Notes 11.x/12.x/14.x Standard Client

On Notes 11.x/12.x/14.x Standard client, you have the following two ways to edit location document used in Notes client

1. From Notes [Preference]-[Location]

2. Open location document in local names.nsf directly

For Japanese Version, the mail tab of location document "mail" tab shows different wording for fields and values in list of these fields.

For example

When editing location document with the above method 1, the value list of "入力補完機能の動作"(Activate recipient name type-ahead" field has two items : "区切り文字ごと"(which means "on Delimiter") and "限定" ( which means "Limited" in Japanese)

But when editing location document with the above method 2, the value list of "入力補完機能の動作"(Activate recipient name type-ahead" field has two items : "区切り文字ごと" (which means "on Delimiter") and "文字ごと"(which means "on each character")

Anyway, the UI displayed by the above method 2 make sense to Japanese People.

And the location document is the same, the above 2 methods should show the same thing on UI.


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