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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Showing 239

Sametime chat sticker mobile

Sametime sync message for all device but customize sticker has only in PC. Please sync and support to create and download sticker.This will give users a good experience similar to the use of the external chat system that they use every day.
over 3 years ago in Sametime / Chat 4 Future Consideration

Sametime Embedded: Display Windows notifications for new messages

It would be useful to have Sametime integrate with the built in notification feature of Windows 10/11
over 3 years ago in Sametime / Chat 3 No Plans to Implement

Password policy for expiry with notification and option to change password

When using Domino LDAP, Password policy for expiry with notification and option to change password should be provided within IBM Sametime Clients
over 6 years ago in Sametime / Chat 1 Under Consideration

Make any conversation „Go live“ with Sametime - in context

A lot of asynchronous text style conversations are going on in different media types in my digital workplace daily experience: - mail conversation - Comments in ESN to whichever object (blog, wiki, forum, status update) - Comments to business obje...
over 5 years ago in Sametime / Chat 2 Already Exists

Work with Cisco to allow connection over SIP vs XMPP

Cisco has been requesting info to get Gateway to work over SIP so that the connection does not need to go through Nextplane over XMPP. They have questions on how to get SIP set up to work for GW. This is a request to work with Cisco to answer the ...
over 6 years ago in Sametime / Chat 2 No Plans to Implement

Sametime web: improve usability and funcilality of Sametime web in Browser: contextual menu

My customers wants to switch from Telegram to Sametime. But UX is lacking of functionality, or functionality are 3/4 click away, instead of right click/contextual menu for example to see who is member of a group or make actions
almost 5 years ago in Sametime / Chat 1 Future Consideration

Move Sametime API/ADMIN web interface javascripts from external to internal

Our network is airgapped and cannot load external files. We cannot use the API and Admin webinterface from Sametime 12. Please consider to use only local files so airgapped networks/customers can also use the Web UI interfaces.
9 months ago in Sametime / Chat 0 Assessment

Disable FileTransfer in backend

When you disable FileTransfer by policy, it's still possible to transfer files by API. We need to disable FileTransfer from backend till frontend.
9 months ago in Sametime / Chat 1 Assessment

Sametime Proxy (Webchat) Ability to send Notes Document Links in messages

Please add the ability to send Notes-Document Links using the Sametime Proxy (Webchat) Client (same way it works in the embedded Sametime Client in Notes).
over 4 years ago in Sametime / Chat 0 Under Consideration

HCL Hosted 'Clearinghouse' for federated chat

The description of the HCL hosted 'clearinghouse' sounds nice to permit a connector/gateway between different sametime communities. But raises some possible security concerns. I imagine if the customers generate/manage their own keys,etc. and in a...
almost 6 years ago in Sametime / Chat 0 Future Consideration